Monday, January 31, 2011

Trivia Answer #6 - St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night

Which Gospel writer’s feast day is on October 18?

St. Luke the Evangelist is venerated each year on October 18.  Because of the reference in the Epistle to the Colossians to a person by the name of Luke as “the beloved physician,” (4:14) Saint Luke has been revered as the patron of physicians, surgeons and all associated with health care ministries.

Also, in light of the moving stories of the birth of Jesus in the first chapters of the Gospel of Luke, the name of Luke the Evangelist has also been associated, over the centuries, with several famous ancient icons picturing Mary the Mother of God and her Divine Son, as for example in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome. He thus has also become the patron of artists. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Trivia Question #6 - St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night

Which Gospel writer’s feast day is on October 18?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Trivia Answer #5 - St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night

Does Vatican City have its own flag?

Yes, the papal flag consists of two equal vertical stripes of yellow and white (with the insignia of the papacy on the white stripe), a triple tiara over two crossed keys, one of gold and one of silver, tied with a red cord and two tassels. The divisions of the tiara represent the teaching, sanctifying and governing offices of the pope. The keys symbolize his role as the successor of St. Peter and the universal spiritual authority of the Holy Father. The papal flag is also a national flag as it represents the sovereign state of Vatican City.
 Vatican City Flag

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Trivia Answer #4 - St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night

What is Chrism?

Chrism is a perfumed oil, consecrated by the bishop, which signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit. Chrism is used for consecration in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trivia Answer #3 - St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night

What are the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching?

The Church’s social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society
and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Modern Catholic
social teaching has been articulated through a tradition of papal, conciliar, and
episcopal documents. The depth and richness of this tradition can be understood best
through a direct reading of these documents. In these brief reflections, we highlight
several of the key themes that are at the heart of our Catholic social tradition.
Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Call to Family, Community, and Participation
Rights and Responsibilities
Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
Care for God’s Creation

Monday, January 17, 2011

Trivia Question #3 - St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night

What are the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Trivia Answer #2 - St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night

Who was the first pope to visit the United States?

Pope Paul VI visited the United States in October 1965. Pope Benedict will be the third pope to visit the United States (April 15-April 20). Pope John Paul II made six visits to the United States.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trivia Question #2 - St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night

Who was the first pope to visit the United States?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trivia Answer #1 - St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night

What feast day is celebrated on December 12?
The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe was raised to the status of a feast in all United States' dioceses in 1988. In 1910 she was declared the patroness of Latin America and in 1946 Pope Pius XII declared he to be the patroness of all the Americas.

On December 12, 1531, the Blessed Virgin appeared at Tepeyac, Mexico, to Juan Diego and requested that a church building be constructed at the site. Juan Diego visited Bishop Juan de Zumárraga the local bishop and carried with him a cloak upon which an image of the Blessed Virgin was inexplicable imprinted. In 1533 the church was build and in 1555 a feast was established to honor the church's patroness, Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Monday, January 10, 2011

St. John Vianney Priest Cards - Fr. Weidner

Are you a collecting the St. John Vianney priest cards and missing St. Peter’s very own parochial vicar...Fr. Anthony Weidner.  His card will be available during the silent auction.  He might even make a guest appearance during the evening!!

Congratulations - 2010

We wish to again congratulate the 2010 winning teams!
1st Place   

2nd Place

3rd Place
 See the photos and trophy plaque for the 2009 and 2010 winning teams on display in our McMahon Hall.

St. John Vianney Priest Cards - Fr. Cook

Are you a collecting the St. John Vianney priest cards and missing St. Peter’s very own pastor...Fr. Damien Cook.  His card will be available during the silent auction.  He might even make a guest appearance during the evening!!

A gourmet dinner...

A gourmet dinner for 4 couples at the classically elegant St. Peter Church rectory, prepared by Sherry Kennedy Brownrigg (founding general manager of Spirit Catholic Radio KVSS,  amateur chef, and Fr. Weidner’s sister) and served by St. Peter’s parochial vicar Fr. Anthony Weidner, with the latter also providing banter and repartee (or more refined conversation, if such is your taste and he can muster it) for your delectation. 

Want to donate...

Want to donate, but just not sure of the "perfect" item?  Here are a few ideas:

  • Gift certificates
    • Restaurants
    • Spas
    • Specialty Stores
    • Photography session
  • Tickets
    • Sporting events
    • Theatre
    • Concerts
  • Travel
    • Hotel accommodations
    • Weekend getaways
    • Use of vacation homes
    • Airline vouchers
  • Collectibles
    • Autographed Items
    • Sports Memorabilia
  • Relaxation
    • Golf clubs, greens fees, etc.
    • Spa and Salon gift certificates

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Italian Dinner Basket

Our first donated item is an Italian Diner Basket, which will include wine, wine glasses, pasta/sauce, music, and dessert!  This item is donated by the St. Vincent de Paul table.

Are you registered for the 3rd Annual Trivia Night?  Is your table interested in putting together a donation for the silent auction?  If so, please contact 

Monday, January 3, 2011

***Seeking Silent Auction Donations***

A silent auction will be held on February 26th during the 3rd Annual St. Peter Catholic Trivia Night. This is your chance to combine a little bit of fun shopping and support of St. Peter's parish. We are collecting items for the auction now!!! If you or your company would like to contribute a tax-deductible item to this very worthwhile event, please contact Raye Nord, by e-mailing

A few ideas:
  • sporting event tickets: i.e. UNL, Creighton, College World Series, etc.
  • concert tickets: i.e. Holland Performing Arts Center, Orpehum, etc.
  • cabin use for a weekend
  • artwork
  • photography session
  • wine basket
  • water park tickets
  • family fun basket with movies, games, popcorn, candy etc.
  • date night package with gift certificate to restaurant and hotel
  • spa package
  • yard service, snow removal service, house cleaning service

Third Annual Team Trivia Night

Saturday, February 26, 2011, in McMahon Hall
Assemble a team for the Third Annual Team Trivia Night on Saturday, February 26, 2011, at 6 p.m. in the McMahon Hall of St. Peter Church, Omaha.
Challenge your knowledge of Catholic and general trivia and enjoy an evening of food, fun and fund-raising for our parish. Team registration is preferred, but individual registration is permitted. Each team may consist of no more than eight people and may not contain more than two of any combination of clergy or consecrated.